Bricktober Code of Conduct


All Exhibitors, Assistants, Helpers, volunteers, Rotarians, Vendors, Junior Displayers and their Parents/Guardians plus the Public are required to comply with the Bricktober Code of Conduct and The Equal Opportunity Harassment and Bullying Policy.

The Code represents a broad framework of ethical conduct that all  have an obligation to uphold. It also provides the basis for disciplinary action for those who fail to meet their obligations.

The purpose of this Code and Policy is to provide you with a clear understanding of the standard of conduct expected when attending the event Bricktober.

The Code and Policy places an obligation on ALL to take responsibility for their conduct. To achieve this, all are expected to familiarise themselves with and act in accordance with this Code and Policy.

Code of Conduct

Bricktober’s Code of Conduct requires all to understand, accept and behave according to the following standards:

  • You understand there is no payment as a Bricktober Exhibitor, Assistant, Helper, Volunteer, Rotarian Junior Displayers and their Parents/Guardians or Vendor.
  • You agree to be reliable and punctual for all agreed activities;
  • You agree to represent Bricktober in a positive, honest, fair and respectful manner when dealing with patrons, other volunteers, supporters, food vendors etc. (this includes when using social networking sites e.g. Facebook and Twitter);
  • You agree never to be under the influence of any alcohol or drugs whilst on a volunteering for Bricktober in any capacity;
  • You agree to refrain from smoking anywhere on the Curtin Campus as this is a smoke free area;
  • You agree that you have no convictions, spent or otherwise and no outstanding warrants or charges pending against you that would exclude you from working with other
    volunteers or interacting with vendors, the general public and all others at this event;
  • You agree to sign in and out of the session you are volunteering at including the times that you enter and exit;
  • Volunteers will not enter the exhibitors PODs unless expressly given permission by the Volunteer Co-ordinator or you are an Exhibitor or Assistant; or Junior Displayer and their Parents/Guardians in the the Junior Display areas/Pods.
  • You agree not to speak to the media on behalf of Bricktober, unless authorised to do so;
  • You agree to contact and consult the Bricktober Volunteer Co-ordinator or Operations Manager with any emergencies or queries, concerns and/or grievances;
  • You agree to take reasonable care of your own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of those around you, whilst volunteering for Bricktober; including immediately reporting any incidents or risks to health and safety as soon as they occur;
  • You agree to respect Bricktober’s exhibitors and their equipment;
  • You agree to maintain modest and presentable dress and footwear at all times (trousers, and flat shoes would be appropriate. No bare feet or thongs);
  • You agree to behave in a manner consistent with Bricktober’s equal opportunity, harassment and bullying policy (as attached). This includes no unlawful conduct, sexual or other harassment, bullying, discrimination or use of discourteous comments or images;
  • You agree to uphold all of the above policies and procedures and immediately report any risks, hazards, incidents, accidents or near misses;
  • You agree to follow any reasonable instruction given by the Volunteer Coordinator during your activity.
  • You authorise Bricktober to use names and/or any photographs of volunteers taken in newsletters, press releases and other publications produced to illustrate and promote Bricktober’s work;
  • You agree to contact and consult the Bricktober Volunteer Coordinator with any emergencies or queries, concerns and/or grievances.
  • Breaches of this Code of Conduct will be dealt with promptly and fairly by the Volunteer Co-ordinator, Operations Manager, Rotarian and/or Bricktober  Committee dependent upon the issue.
  • Breaches of this Code of Conduct can result in instant removal from the event and/or refusal to volunteer again in coming years.
  • You agree that upon notification of breach of any of these rules, the organisers of Bricktober may employ any or all of the following actions, or further action as
    deemed appropriate:
  • Direction to cease certain actions or activities.
  • Removal or modification of any or all of your display.
  • Immediate removal from the show.
  • Exclusion from future shows, as both an exhibitor and/or patron.
  • Immediate removal from all Bricktober Facebook pages and groups and banning from such pages and groups, existing and future.
  • Referral to appropriate bodies (ie: police)
  • Breaches of this Code of Conduct will be dealt with promptly and fairly by Volunteer Coordinator, Rotarian and/or Bricktober Committee dependent upon the issue and you agree that any decisions made shall be final and binding.

Equal Opportunity Harassment and Bullying Policy

  1. Overview

 These policies apply to the Rotary Club of Ascot (Inc). Bricktober Event.

This is important as the public will look to you as a representative of the event and by extension a representative of The Rotary Club of Ascot (Inc).

Bricktober is committed to the prevention of any form of discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation at the event or at any place where Bricktober related activities are  performed, including at social functions.  Bricktober considers these to be unacceptable forms of behaviour and will not tolerate such behaviour under any circumstances. This policy applies to all Rotarians, volunteers, exhibitors, vendors, cos-players, Junior Displayers and their Parents/Guardians in their relationships with each other and with any persons who have dealings with Bricktober.

All have a right to be treated equitably and without bullying or harassment occurring in the Bricktober environment.  All have the responsibility to respect the rights of everyone, by not taking part in any action that may constitute harassment or bullying and by supporting and promoting the achievement of equal opportunity.

  1. Equal Opportunity and Discrimination

 This policy reflects the spirit and intent of federal and state affirmative action and anti-discrimination legislation in Australia.  Bricktober believes that people are more productive in an environment that is free from discrimination and this is an equal opportunity event.

Equal Opportunity means ensuring that policies and practices are based on, and operate according to, the principle of merit. Bricktober is therefore committed to ensuring that its practices are free from any unlawful discrimination based on:

  • race/ethnicity;
  • gender;
  • national origin;
  • marital status;
  • sexual preference/lawful sexual activity;
  • age;
  • disability/impairment, including infectious disease;
  • industrial/employment activity;
  • physical features;
  • pregnancy;
  • family or carer responsibilities;
  • religious beliefs;
  • political conviction;
  • breastfeeding;
  • gender identity.

Bricktober is also committed to ensuring that its practices are free from any unlawful discrimination based on a person’s association (including as a relative) with someone who has one of the characteristics listed above.

Discrimination can take many forms, some of which are direct or open.  Others may be indirect or hidden.

Direct discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another, simply because of a personal characteristic or status, such as gender, race, sexuality, marital status (as listed above).

Indirect discrimination occurs when a policy or requirement which at first glance seems fair, in fact operates to the detriment of a particular group of people because of a characteristic of that group, such as age, race, family circumstances or gender (as listed above).

  1. Harrassment

Harassment is unwanted behaviour that offends, humiliates or intimidates a person, and targets them on the basis of a characteristic such as gender, race or ethnicity.

Harassment relates to the prohibition in anti-discrimination laws against sexual harassment and sex-based discrimination. These laws differ from health and safety laws in that a victim of harassment can make a complaint to an external agency – in effect, launching a legal proceeding against your company.

Bricktober Harassment Policy

 Bricktober is committed to providing an environment that is free from sexual harassment and from any other harassment on the discriminatory grounds listed above.


 At law, unlawful harassment includes some things that might not be perceived to be harassment.  For example, the creation of an environment that is generally hostile to a person or group of people with particular characteristics.

Sexual harassment, discriminatory harassment and victimisation due to making a complaint are unlawful and amount to discrimination under federal and state anti-discrimination law.

Sexual Harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, including unwelcome sexual advances, which are likely to make a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. It does not require an intention to harass and does not require the recipient to ask for the behaviour to stop.

Sexual harassment is unwelcome or unreciprocated behaviour. It is not mutually accepted behaviour. For example, harassment does not usually include genuine compliments or mutually acceptable physical contact.

Discriminatory Harassment is a recognised form of discrimination which occurs when a person is harassed because of characteristics such as disability, gender, race and age (or any of the other grounds outlined in the above Policy).

Victimisation occurs when a person is treated unfairly or less favourably because of making or intending to make a complaint of sexual harassment or discrimination.

Some examples of behaviour which can be sexual harassment or discriminatory harassment include:

  • acting towards, or speaking to a person in a manner which threatens or vilifies that person;
  • making jokes, suggestive comments or offensive gestures related to a person’s race, colour, ethnic origin, disability, gender or sexual characteristics;
  • distribution or display of material (including through e-mail) which may be offensive, such as sexually explicit posters or pictures, racist or sexist jokes or cartoons;
  • persistent questions about a person’s private life;
  • personal comments about appearance, size, clothing;
  • demands for sexual favours, either directly or by implication;
  • unwanted and deliberate physical contact; and
  • indecent assault, rape and other criminal offences.
  1. Bullying

Bullying is repeated, unreasonable and unwelcome behaviour directed towards a

participant or group of participants that creates a risk to health and safety.

Bullying is a health and safety issue, and your obligation to prevent bullying relates to our duty to provide a safe environment.

Bullying occurs when two criteria are met:

  • a person or a group of people repeatedly behaves unreasonably towards a participant or a group of participants at the show the behaviour creates a risk to health and safety. This behaviour must occur repeatedly – that is, more than once – and must create a risk to health and safety in order for it to be considered bullying.
  • Bullying behaviour may involve any of the following types of unreasonable behaviour:
  • aggressive or intimidating conduct;
  • belittling or humiliating comments;
  • spreading malicious rumours;
  • teasing, practical jokes or ‘initiation ceremonies’;
  • exclusion from work-related events;
  • unreasonable work expectations, including too much or too little work, or work below or beyond a worker’s skill level;
  • displaying offensive material;
  • Pressure to behave in an inappropriate manner.
  1. Grievance Procedure

 Bricktober is required to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equitably and are not subject to discrimination, victimisation or harassment.  Any concerns can be discussed privately and confidentially with one of the following Contact Officers:

 Operations Manager

Exhibitor Coordinator

Volunteer Coordinator

All concerned must appreciate that raising an allegation of harassment, discrimination or victimisation against another person at this event is a serious matter.  Regardless of whether the complaint is substantiated, the act of raising the complaint will have significant and often permanent consequences both personally and professionally for the other party. Bricktober will not tolerate abuse of the processes outlined in this policy or the making of vexatious complaints.

Use of the Grievance Procedure to deal with issues of harassment, victimisation or discrimination is purely voluntary and not mandatory.  However, if the individual decides not to raise the issue in the manner outlined in this policy or by seeking external help, Bricktober expects that this will be the end of the matter.  In particular, the individual must not seek to progress the issue informally e.g. allowing the matter to be the subject of innuendo or gossip, harassing the other party, etc.  Breach of this aspect of the policy may attract disciplinary sanctions.

All involved are required to treat any complaints under this policy confidentially and discuss a complaint only to assist its resolution.  A serious form of victimisation can occur when discussions take place and take sides on complaints about potentially discriminatory or harassing behaviour.  Individuals are encouraged to come forwarded to obtain assistance from the nominated people to ensure any inappropriate conduct that exists does not continue.

Complaint Handling Guidelines

 Bricktober has established confidential procedures for handling complaints under this policy.  These procedures are based on the principle that the rights and privacy of both parties to a complaint should be safeguarded.  Bricktober believes it is important that any complaint is dealt with promptly, professionally and with sensitivity.  If you have a complaint or a harassment problem you can speak confidentially to one of the Contact Officers.

Bricktober encourages internal resolution of complaints where possible.

If you feel comfortable doing so, you should first advise the other person, verbally or in writing, in a direct or firm manner that their behaviour is unacceptable.  This may be enough to stop the unwelcome behaviour.  You can speak with a Contact Officer who can assist with this step or suggest other options.

It is suggested that you keep diary notes of all incidents with names, dates, witnesses and any response you make in respect to the incidents.

Speak with a Contact Officer about the incident(s).  The Contact Officer will discuss and clarify the allegations with the relevant parties and then attempt to find a suitable and appropriate resolution.

This means that:

  • complaints will be investigated promptly;
  • the allegations will be put to the alleged perpetrator;
  • each party will be given the opportunity to express their version of events; and
  • the alleged perpetrator will be treated as innocent unless the allegations are proven.

All file notes relating to the complaint will be kept in specially provided locked files.  Only Contact Officers and Conciliators dealing with particular complaints will have access to these files.

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